Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Shopping Smart (Alternatives? Yes please!)

I'm not going to lie: I'm addicted to labels. Unfortunately, last year's consumer addiction has left me in debt, so now I'm battling the Barneys Mafia/Credit Card Mafias every month. My New Year's Resolution is to stop being an impulse buyer. Before making any purchase, carefully think about how much I want something and do research on the current market to see if there's a good alternative.

Due to the current recession, it seems irresponsible to invest in labels (Sorry, D&G, I love you too, but it's just not going to work out this year). As many others have said before me: 'Style should not be compromised just because the economy is going down the drain'. This year it's all about being a flexible and smart shopper. Here are several examples of what I mean:

Gucci (top) VS Urban Outfitters (middle) VS Ray-Ban (bottom)

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